
Energy key figures

Specific yield

The estimated specific annual yield specifies how much energy the PV system can supply per installed kilowatt peak.


The self-consumption specifies the amount of self-generated energy that is not fed into the grid but consumed by the customer. The energy can be consumed immediately or after being stored intermediately.

Self-consumption quota

The self-consumption quota describes which proportion of the energy generated is used by the customers themselves.

Self-sufficiency quota

The self-sufficiency quota indicates what proportion of the energy demand can be covered by self-generated energy.

Solar fraction (SF)

Solar fraction is the amount of energy provided by the solar technology divided by the total energy required.

Renewable energies share

With system components (e.g. heat pump): percentage of the renewable energy of the energy generation. At system level: percentage of renewable energy of the annual total energy consumption.

Generated renewable energy

Energy produced from power generating units of the energy system from renewable sources

Electrical energy generated

Electrical energy produced from the power generating units of the energy system

Heating energy generated

Thermal energy produced from the power generating units of the energy system per year

Electrical energy requirement of the load profiles

Sum of the electrical energy demand of all load profiles used in the project per year

Heating energy requirement

Thermal energy requirement for heating element

Hot water energy requirement

Thermal energy requirement for the hot water production

Total heating energy requirement

The annual thermal energy demand for heating and hot water production

Total energy requirement

The sum of the electrical energy demand from the load profiles used in the project and the thermal components per year

Energy consumption heating element

Thermal self-consumption of heating element

Energy consumption hot water

Thermal self-consumption for hot water production

Total energy consumption

The total annual consumption of electrical energy and energy from fuels

Total fuel energy consumption

The total annual energy consumption of fuels

Total electrical energy consumption

The total annual power consumption is calculated from the purchased electricity and the electric current generated, minus grid feed-in and the change in the energy quantity in the electrical storage between the start and the end of the calculation period.

Electricity and fuel consumption

The total annual consumption of electrical energy and energy from fuels

Total purchased energy

The total electrical energy drawn from the grid and energy from fuels

Grid supply

Electrical energy drawn from the utility grid

Max. purchased electricity power

The maximum value of the electrical power drawn from the grid during the period under review

Grid feed-in

Electrical energy fed into the utility grid

Energy consumption saving percentage

Percentage change of the total energy consumption: (before - after)/before x 100. Positive values represent savings.

Percentage of purchased energy savings

Percentage change of the total purchased energy from electric current and fuels: (before - after)/before x 100. Positive values represent savings.

Reduction of the purchased power peak

Change of the maximum value of the electrical power drawn from the grid during the analysis period of profitability: maximum value before - maximum value after. Positive values represent a reduction.

Purchased electricity savings

Percentage change of the purchased electricity (before - after)/before x 100. Positive values represent savings.

Fuel savings

Percentage change of the purchased fuel: (before - after)/before x 100. Positive values represent savings.

CO₂ emissions

Annual carbon dioxide (CO₂) emission due to using fossil fuels

CO₂ reduction

Percentage change of the annual CO₂ emission: (before - after)/before x 100. Positive values represent a reduction.

Electrical energy withdrawn

The electrical energy drawn from the battery system per year

Annual nominal energy throughputs of the battery

The annual nominal energy throughputs of the battery are calculated from the total electrical energy stored intermediately per year, divided by the battery's nominal energy.

Intermediately stored electrical energy

The intermediately stored electrical energy in the battery system per year

Operating time

The operating time is calculated from the ratios of the total energy demand of electric current during a twelve-month period and the highest load within this period.

Annual performance factor

The annual performance factor is a measure for the efficiency of a heat pump. It states how much thermal energy is generated by the heat pump in relation to the current used in the course of a year.

Economic key figures

Energy cost savings

The absolute energy saving costs versus the previous energy costs (user input) or versus an alternative interpretation.

Relative energy cost savings

The energy savings costs as a percentage versus the previous energy costs (user input) or versus an alternative interpretation.

Electricity purchase costs avoided

The difference in the electricity purchase costs (costs before - costs after)

Avoided fuel costs

The difference in the fuel purchase costs (costs before - costs after), taking into account the specified inflation rates

Heating cost savings

The absolute heating cost savings versus the previous heating costs (user input) or versus an alternative interpretation.

Relative heating cost savings

The heating cost savings as a percentage versus the previous heating costs (user input) or versus an alternative interpretation.

Total savings

The total savings over the period under consideration is made up of the total energy cost savings and the feed-in tariffs. The investment costs, the financing costs and the operating costs incl. replacement investments are deducted from this. Here, the inflation rate is included in the operating expenditure and the electricity price increase rate is included in the electricity purchase costs. Furthermore, the degradation of the PV modules is taken into consideration in the feed-in remuneration.

Energy purchase costs

The energy purchase costs are composed of the electricity purchase costs and the fuel purchase costs.

Electricity purchase costs

The costs calculated from the energy drawn from the utility grid according to the selected purchase cost tariff and the tariff components defined therein (e.g. fixed costs or demand rate). The annual rate of electricity price increases is taken into account.

Specific electricity purchase costs

The costs calculated from the energy drawn from the utility grid per kWh according to the selected purchase cost tariff and the tariff components defined therein (e.g. fixed costs or demand rate). The annual rate of electricity price increases is taken into account.

Fuel costs

The calculated fuel purchase costs according to the selected purchase cost tariff and the tariff components defined therein (e.g. fixed costs). The annual rate of price increases is taken into account.

Heating costs

The absolute heating costs are composed of the purchase and generation costs.

Specific heating costs

The specific heating costs are composed of purchase costs and generation costs per kWh.

Total energy supply costs

The total energy supply costs includes, in addition to the costs for the purchased energy carriers (more specifically, the energy costs) all costs for the internal energy conversion, distribution, storage and disposal. They also include the capital costs, the replacement investments and the operating expenditure. The impacts of the inflation rate and the energy price increase are taken into account throughout the analysis period of profitability. The total energy supply costs of the operational energy supply are also referred to as input energy costs.

Energy production costs

The energy production costs determine the costs for the generation of 1 kWh energy. When calculating the energy production costs, the LCOE calculation method is used. The running costs of the year under review are calculated and added up throughout the observation period. They are then discounted to the reference date using the imputed rate of interest and the one-time costs are added. The discounted costs are divided by the energy amount discounted to the reference date. LCOE is a customary calculation method for power generation costs which is used here to calculate the production costs of all energy types.

Operating costs

The operating costs (operating expenditure) of the system component throughout the analysis period of profitability. These are composed of the annual fixed costs taking into account the inflation rate and the costs for replacement investments due to limited technical service life. This is the sum of operating costs of all system components for the overall system.

Investment costs

One-time investment costs (CAPEX) for the system component (turnkey PV system) At the overall system level, it is the sum of the investment costs (CAPEX) of all system components

Specific investment costs

One-time investment costs for the system component per activity unit or capacity, depending on the component under review.

Debt capital

The credit costs (borrowing costs) specify the interest charges for a loan at nominal terms. They are independent from the inflation. The total interest charges depend on the type of loan.

Residual value

The residual value of the system component or of the system at the end of the period under review with linear depreciation and amortization. The service life, the system components and the replacement investments are taken into account in the calculation.

Grant amount

The subsidy amount stated with the system component or the sum of the subsidy amounts of all system components for the overall system.

Feed-in tariff

The feed-in tariff of the electrical energy fed in and possibly self-consumed as well as the sales after expiry of the feed-in tariff according to the selected feed-in tariff. The degradation of the PV modules is taken into account in the calculation for the PV system.

Return on assets (IRR)

The calculation of return is based on the return on assets. The return on assets refers to the total capital employed (capital expenditure) and puts this in relation to the profit (feed-in tariff + savings in purchasing costs + self-consumption tariff – self-consumption apportionment – operating costs). The financing costs through debt capital are not included in the return on assets. Long-term influences on the rate of return due to inflation, module degradation and the electricity price increase rate are also taken into account. For energy system projects, this also includes replacement investments and residual values. The rate on return is therefore calculated dynamically using the IRR method over the entire period under review (internal interest rate, internal rate of return). It indicates the average mean annual return on the investment and corresponds to the interest at which the discounted returns represent the capital employed.

Annual return

The return is calculated as an internal interest rate (internal rate of return). This effective rate of return reflects the economic advantageousness of the investment as the mathematically calculated return of all payment flows of the investment during the selected period under review compared to the before-after values or an alternative interpretation.

Net present value

The net present value method is used to add up all income and expenses of a planned system within the selected period under review and with the interest rate adjusted. The income takes into account the feed-in tariffs, energy procurement costs savings, subsidy amounts and credits compared to the before values or to an alternative. The payments in the individual years are discounted to the current point in time with the selected imputed rate of interest. From this, the so-called present values of the payments result. The net present value (or present value) is a possible way of expressing the economic advantageousness of an investment.

Amortization time

The amortization time is the period in years within which the capital tied up in an investment is returned or from which the effective savings become positive.

Amortization time (discounted)

The discounted amortization period is the time period in years after which the discounted savings become positive.